

Why did we choose it ?

Our opinion of the project


"I wanted to do this project in order to work over the long term with the same project team. I think the conventional projects are too short to get really invested, and because of the lack of time research and experiments cannot be done as whished.
With this project, we can plan our experiments and our meetings as we like that makes the management easier.
In addition, Staying with the same team is also important for me. By knowing the strengths of everyone, the division of the different tasks is faster and suitable for all the group members.
Finally, this project allowed us to choose the subject we wanted to study. Consequently, the work is more interesting and enjoyable! "



For me, such a project is interesting to  learn working in the long run with the same team
It provides us with a new approach of what a team project is and how do we can deal with it.

The duration of this project forced us to establish an effective communication between the group members. Also, we learned how to set up goals, do long-range planning and stick to it all along.

I really feel like doing a work close to what my future engineer job is going to be. "



"The main reason that led me to choose this project is working on the long term. I think normal projects are too short and therefore, you don’t have enough time to deal with interestinf topics.. Moreover, working with the same team during a long time is a very good experience because in the future we will be working with the same team fora few years. "  



"The thing I liked with the idea of doing ​​the “projet fil rouge” was to see how a long-term project is managed. Indeed, traditional projects do not allow us to see this aspect because they last only a few weeks while a project like this requires a labor organization in the long run. We also have to call on some professional’s services such as the ONERA or the IUT Paul Sabatier to help us. Meeting new people and visiting different places make the work more interesting and rewarding. "



"I had several reasons to get invested in this project. First, I started later than the others so I integrated an already cohesive and organized team. It was a good experience for me because I had to adapt to the situation quickly.
Also, as others mentioned, making a long-range planning with accurate goals and structured tasks has been motivating for me. In addition, I discovered cellular materials and working on this theme has been very interesting and has aroused my curiosity. "




Version Française 


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