

What do we have to hand in ?

The deadlines

Here few lines which can be useful if you want do a “Projet fil rouge”.

Students begin the project during the 2nd semester of the first year. They continue during the two semesters of the second year and they finish it in the 1st semester of the third year.


The first year


  1. A report in French (coefficient 1) is submitted in June.
    The report should not exceed 40 pages, excluding annexes. Annexes should not exceed 10 pages.
    It contains, minimum :
    ° A synoptic record (project’s name, acronym, partners, organization, objectives, task list, table of deliverables and references)
    ° A Gantt’s diagram updated
    ° A short description of the main results
    ° A review and a perspective of the work done

  2. An oral presentation (coefficient 1) is given in June.
    The oral presentation has two parts :
    ° First, a presentation of the results by the students, with a computer support (powerpoint).
    This presentation is 30 minutes regardless of the size of the group.
    ° Then, a discussion with the jury.
    The duration of the discussion with the jury is 20 minutes. All students have to participate in the discussion.


After this oral presentation the jury gives a grade which can be different for the different members of the team.
Students involved in the “projet fil rouge” must attend to all presentations with the same jury.


The second year


  1. A poster (A3 size) must be made in December.
    It should show simply your work to the other students and teachers of the school.
    It’s composed minimum of :
    ° Project’s name, acronym, partners and an organization chart
    ° The objectives
    ° Task list, table of deliverables and references
    ° A short description of the main results
    ° A review and a perspective of the work done

  2. A progress report of the project is to be made in February.
    It is written in French
    Number of pages id free. This report must contain all the management, past, present and future.



  1. A second report (coefficient 1) is submitted in June.
    It has the same criteria as the 1A2S report.

  2. An oral presentation (coefficient 1) is given in June.
    It has the same criteria as the 1A2S oral presentation, but it is in English.


The third year


  1. A report (coefficient 1) is given in February.

  2. An oral presentation (coefficient 1) in French is realized in February.




Version Française 


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