

IUT Applied Physics and Instrumentation

IUT Applied Physics and Instrumentation


IUT (University Institute of Technology) Physical Measurements of the University of Toulouse







Department of Physical Measurements of Toulouse is assigned to form qualified technicians and middle managers in the field of Measure or Metrology. It awards diplomas at two different levels:

                -BAC+2 : DUT  (Technical University Diploma)

                                 Physical Measurements

                -BAC+3 : LP (Professional degree)

                                ITEC (Instrumentation and Tests in Complex Environment)

                                MQM (Metrology and Quality of Measure)


A varied and skilled team of 50 people forms future graduates.


We would like to thank the IUT Physical Measurements for allowing us to use its equipment and its premises in order to make our acoustic experiments without their help we could not have made them because our school did not have the necessary equipment.


We would like to thanks especially the head of acoustic department for helping us, sharing her experience and for her time during experiments.




Version Française 


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